Terra Incognita - Encuentro Cultural Bilingüe es una asociación cultural sin ánimo de lucro que edita la revista literaria en papel Terra Incognita con la idea de promover el intercambio cultural bilingüe a través de las artes.
Lee ahora el editorial para conocer más acerca de esta idea.
Esta página Web que estás visitando es una muestra de algunos artículos que aparecen en nuestro primer número.
Por ahora, Terra Incognita tiene periodicidad anual, aunque esperamos que en un futuro próximo, salga como mínimo 2 veces al año.
Si estás interesado, y quieres recibir la revista por correo, escribe un mail a:
Por favor, en España remite un cheque o giro postal a nombre de Terra Incognita, a la dirección postal indicada.
Desde otros lugares, deben ser remitidos a nombre de Terra Incognita, P.O. Box 150585, Brooklyn, NY, 11215-0585, U.S.A.
O si prefieres, puedes encontrar la revista en los siguientes sitios:
En España:
Librería Antonio Machado, c/ Fernando VI, 17. (Madrid)
Booksellers, c/José Abascal, 48. (Madrid)
Casa del Libro, c/ Gran Via, 29. (Madrid)
La Ceiba, c/ Amor de Dios, 11. (Madrid)
Librería Gaudí, c/ Argensola, 13. (Madrid)
Petra’s International Bookshop, c/ Campomanes, 13. (Madrid)
Mendocino Café, c/ Limón, 11. (Madrid)
Periferi@, c/ Ave María, 3. (Madrid)
Traficantes de Sueños, c/ Hortaleza, 9, 1º, Drch. (Madrid)
Librería de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Crta. Colmenar Viejo, km 15.500. (Madrid)
Librería Victor Jara, c/ Meléndez, 21. (Salamanca)
Librería Hydria, Plaza de la Fuente, 17. (Salamanca)
Terra Incognita Bilingual Cultural Association is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster cultural exchange and greater understanding among the variety of communities in which English and/or Spanish are spoken. We seek to introduce important established and emerging writers from one language to the other, via excellent translations, critical essays on writers and their work, interviews, and special features presented in both languages. We also hope to build relationships with other U.S., Latin American, Spanish and Latino cultural organizations in order to create a stronger international community in which new, creative and positive social structures can evolve.
Terra Incognita publishes an annual print journal in English and Spanish, along with an online journal. For each issue, we present poetry, fiction and non-fiction, as well as art and photography. Our contributors include José Saramago, Arundhati Roy, Billy Collins, Subcomandante Marcos, José Hierro, Benjamín Prado, Amalia Iglesias Serna, Alejandro Gándara, George Kalamaras, Ray Gonzalez and Sarah Kennedy, among others.
This website also provides numerous links to literary & cultural magazines and organizations around the world, both in English and in Spanish (many of which are rarely covered in English-language media).
Finally, Terra Incognita holds a number of public events throughout the year, most of them in a bilingual format. In New York, we host a bilingual reading series at Cornelia Street Café, featuring Latin American and Latino writers such as Francisco Aragón, Mónica de la Torre, Rigoberto González, Marta López-Luaces, Willie Perdomo, Edwin Torres and Rodrigo Toscano. For more information on the reading series and other New York events, please see our Events Page.
We hope you enjoy your journey through the "unknown territory" of our website and journal. To order copies of our print issues - each one numbered in a limited edition - please see our Order Online Page. Thanks for your interest in our project and good sailing wherever you may be...